Thursday, March 21, 2013

I need to stop buying dresses....

But I can't.  I'm so bad, seriously. Yesterday I went on Hot Miami Styles and bought this gorgeous dress!

I am so into the peplum right now, it's so stylish and elegant, and I love the color blocking of this dress, I have some perfect shoes to wear with it already!  I really need to STOP buying clothes because I am going to be moving to NYC next month and the more I buy, the more I have to lug over there with me.  But I am seriously cleaning out my closet this weekend and all of the clothes that I haven't worn in the last 3 months are going to Crossroads Trading Company to be sold off, everything else is going to be donated this Sunday at the Digitally Chic charitable event: DC Cares.  When I move I'm going to try to live more of a minimalist lifestyle, and just buy most of the things I need there.

Summer is coming!  And I'm looking to buying a new swimsuit. I saw this one also on Hot Miami Styles. I love monokinis so I think this one will be perfect as it shows just enough to be VAVAVOOM but isn't overly revealing.

Seen here on Kourtney Kardashian:

Needless to say, I am at the gym every day trying to get the body to really rock this!  I have 2 1/2 months, so I shouldn't despair just yet! Just about 10-12 more lbs to go. I can do it!  I'm hitting the gym after work then heading to a Digitally Chic event today at Roe in SF.  Can't wait to hang with amazing ladies like Angelica  and Adelle!  Pics to follow! Happy Thursday!


  1. hi dear! while browsing I came across your blog..and I must say I love it! great post!! would you be interested in following each other via Gfc and Bloglovin? I always return the follow..let me know :)

    1. Hey hon, sure! I'd love to be friends. I follow back everyone who follows me, I'd be happy to keep up with your blog! Thanks for the follow!

  2. Sorry I wasn't able to attend the DC event and see you! Anyway, I really like the bathing suit too. Will have to see what other monokinis they have for sale!

    My New Store - Join the Bloggers' Closet!

  3. Hey gorgeous girl! Hope to see you and catch up before I move eastward next month! Checking out your store now, looks great!
